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why all-inclusive pricing at our retreats?

Our dream is to offer you the opportunity to enjoy an environment entirely dedicated to cultivating happiness and relaxation, in an atmosphere that makes you feel pampered and special. We work with the resort well in advance to plan the most magical time for you, choosing the best activities and excursions to provide you with the absolute best experience, for one all-inclusive price..


Have you ever dreamed about that perfect holiday somewhere on an exotic island, or in wine country, or a spa-centered resort where you can indulge yourself in heavenly landscapes, lounge by an infinity pool, or lavish in the tranquil sounds of nature? With us finalizing the details for you, you won’t have to lose valuable time organizing various activities or worrying about prices or carrying money. Your only job will be to get away from it all, relax, and enjoy every moment of your vacation.


Typically all-inclusive will include:

  • Accommodations

  • Happiness Classes

  • Access to on-property amenities

  • Meals (not including alcohol)

  • A spa appointment

  • Exercise classes

  • Pre-planned excursions

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