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“When we give cheerfully and accept gratefully,

everyone is blessed” -Maya Angelou

After each retreat, A Wee Bit Happier will send a new girl to school in our honor. Together, as a team, we break the cycle- our donation, this gift, will:


  • Empower a girl, or a young lady, through their education.

  • Equip them with books, paper and other learning materials.

  • Provides for their tuition and other school expenses.




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Why Heifer International?

Having grown up in a small village in Ireland, Heifer International is one of the charities that the founder of A Wee Bit Happier can relate to the most. On a macro level, they work with communities to increase income, improve nutrition, care for the earth, and end world hunger. Hefty goals! But, perhaps an easier concept to grasp- they work on a micro level by empowering a family by giving them animals; ducks, chickens, goats, buffalo etc. With these animals, financial freedom becomes possible by selling eggs, wool, butter, cheese at market… It’s genius.


Girls suffer the most from gender discrimination, often denied the opportunity to go to school because resources are limited. Your guide, Maeve, was not allowed to take science, French or lifeguarding classes in elementary school just because she was a girl, so this gift is near and dear to her heart. By providing a family with training and livestock, they can earn the income needed to pay for their daughter’s school fees and supplies, giving every girl the chance to fulfill her potential. Attendance at any of our retreats will sponsor a new girl's education, every time.


Thank you ♥



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